Children, a Career, a Loving Relationship…



The support you need when making major changes in your life after the children is lacking, but you want to work and need someone to boost your ego and show you the way.

Joining a club that is devoted to helping working women will help you get started on going back to your career pre-children or pursuing a new career.  Children are our first priority as working women and you must be able to handle all of the associated “mom” things that happen on a daily basis:  a child needs to go to a doctor’s appointment; the childcare provider did not show up and you have to find someone to take care of the child when you go to work; you cannot afford to take time off because you have a big project that is due; your significant other is out of town.  What do you do?

Have a backup plan.  There are daycare services that can provide you emergency child care — even if the child is sick.  One of the most important things you can do when you are changing jobs or going back to work after childbirth is to find a company that has daycare on the premises with healthcare services on site — it is not a dream but a reality in many of today’s high-tech and large companies that value their working mothers.

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A Career

Thinking about leaving your home and striking out on your own because you feel there has to be more to life than taking care of everyone else?  You are not alone.

It takes a lot of courage to make a move out of a job and into your own business; out of a relationship; out of a town you have lived in for a long time; out of a home, etc.

Many communities have women’s resource centers which can help you if needed.  The feeling of being helpless and frustrated can cause depression.

If you have a support system, confide in the one person you trust the most and solicit his or her help.  Career changes can be a lifesaver.  You have to be brave and believe in yourself.  Use the book to research what is possible.  Never think that your dreams of doing something different cannot be achieved.  Dare to dream and plan your escape from a dead end job — even if you take a salary cut.

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A Loving Relationship

Success can be measured in many ways.  It is not wrong to want to be a superwoman, supermom, super worker, super lover — just wrong to not try.

Being a confident women means that you know when your relationship is on the right track for what you need to fulfill your needs.  Before you enter into a marriage or long-term relationship, be sure that your partner knows what you want to do or not do.  You cannot change someone to your way of thinking after you have put in years of deluding yourself and your significant other that you are happy when you are not.

Be honest in your relationship and trust your judgment.  Sometimes you have to give up love to pursue what you want in a career.

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You CAN have it all…

Thinking about leaving your home and striking out on your own because you feel there has to be more to life than taking care of everyone else? You are not alone.

Superwomen Do IT Less… provides first-hand experience on how to blend the competing roles of women: career person, homemaker, mother, and lover.

We are the breadwinners and the bread makers; the chief cook and bottle washers. I represent all of you who have to be all things to all people — a SuperWoman!


Listen to an interview with Rose Marie Ray


Next Steps…

The support you need when making major changes in your life after the children is lacking,
but you want to work and need someone to boost your ego and show you the way.


Questions or comments?  Email Rosie Ray at

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Also by Rose Marie Ray: Broken Neck to Broken Records

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